5 genius tech hacks to do before it’s February – Fox News

Symbolic photo on the subject of hackers and data security. (Photo by Thomas Trutschel/Photothek via Getty Images)

It’s a new year, and we’re busy setting goals and making resolutions. One of mine is to spend at least an hour outside every day. 

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Symbolic photo on the subject of hackers and data security. (Photo by Thomas Trutschel/Photothek via Getty Images)

It’s a new year, and we’re busy setting goals and making resolutions. One of mine is to spend at least an hour outside every day. 

Of course, I still have work to do, and much of that happens via email. I started 2022 by cleaning up my inbox. Tap or click for the steps I take every year to clear out old emails and start fresh

I also spent time in my phone’s photo gallery clearing out blurry pictures, screenshots, and duplicates. It’s time-consuming, but there are downloads to help. Tap or click for free apps that find duplicate photos for you

Let’s jump into a few ways to boost your security, increase your productivity, and tidy up your digital life. 

1. Inventory your valuables 

I’m in the middle of a move. While clearing out 17 years of junk, I realized it had been a long time since I did a thorough inventory of our valuables. 

Having a home inventory list is a lifesaver in the case of a disaster or break-in. The last thing you want to do at a time like that is scramble to find receipts or rack your brain to put together an insurance claim. 

You had to walk around the house with a notebook to catalog your possessions back in the day. Now, the right app can make the job so much easier. A solid option is Encircle

Be sure to catalog your electronics, furniture, jewelry, appliances, family heirlooms, clothing, decor, luggage, tools, instructions, art, and any collector’s items. Of course, this list is not exhaustive, and you can always consult your home or renter’s insurance company for recommendations.  

File photo.

MONEY-SAVING TIP: Want your gadgets to last? Don’t skip these simple checkups

2. Refresh your home network 

Is your home network locked down? Are you sure? I find this is a common cybersecurity blind spot. 

First, check your password. You should never stick with the default username and password. Even if you changed yours long ago, it might be time for an update to something more secure. 

Can’t keep a handle on all those long, unique passwords? A digital password manager is the safest route, but password journals can get the job …….

Source: https://www.foxnews.com/tech/5-genius-tech-hacks-before-february